Beauty and Joy in Edible Flowers
Add delight to your meals with edible flowers! Certainly, flowers add color and aesthetics to the presentation. Similarly, preparing a meal with edible flowers, helps you to slow down. Savoring the touch, fragrance, and color of the flowers as you add them to your food, certainly helps you to embrace mindfulness. However, you need to know the basics before adding edible flowers to your meals. Below, I will walk you through the precautions, and an edible flower list of safe flowers!
Above you see a yogurt bowl infused with abutillion and decorated with their flowers. The bowl is also garnished with dianthus, alyssum, and pansies. Delicious, beautiful, and unusual. This flower treat incorporates the fig flavor of the abutillion blossoms through an infusion. In turn, it is decorated with their blossoms. Cooking with fresh or dried flowers helps you to savor spring and summer all year long. However, you must keep in mind a few precautions!
Knowing the Safety Concerns
So, to get started with edible flowers, you need to know some basics. Understanding some safety concerns is step one. However, Once you understand the precautions to take, you can joyfully infuse your food with color, fragrance, and the flavor of flowers!
Because a lot of misinformation lives on the Internet, it is really important to dig deeper than photos. The answers are not always cut and dry. So, be sure to understand the facts about foraging, sourcing, and identifying blossoms. After that, you will be confidently cooking with edible flowers.
I made a video addressing some of the questions about edible flowers. In the video, you will learn that the edibility of a flower can sometimes be complex to understand. For instance, some flowers have edible parts but not all the flower is edible. For example, you can create infusions from elderflower, but it shouldn’t be eaten raw. The stems and leaves of elderflower are toxic. So, once you understand the facts, you can take the proper measures. Watch below to gain some insight into edible flowers.
Edible Flower List: 10 Flowers You Can Eat
Roses (not from a florist!)
Basil flowers
Rosemary flowers

A Guide to Edible Flowers
Find out more about edible flowers through the following resources. Learn which parts of flowers are edible, flavor profiles, and pairings. I have also included the history of edible flowers. Lastly, you will find recipes below as well!
An Introduction to Edible Flowers
Download The Edible Flower Guide: How to Use Edible Flowers
Instagram Live: Answering your questions about edible flowers
Edible Flower Recipes
Strawberry and Wildflower Cake
For many more edible flower recipes, follow #frolicflowerfood on Instagram!
Edible Flowers Workshop
Ready to dive deeper? Take my online edible flower class . The class includes 25 flower guides, 10 recipes, and 3 instructional videos. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in edible flower identification, precautions, history of usage, recipe ideas, flavor profiles and pairings, Find out more here where you can watch a preview of the course!
In conclusion, if you have any questions about edible flowers, feel free to leave a comment here and I will do my best to answer them!