Life in a Caravan


While on my English flower farm adventure, I had the chance to live in a caravan for 6 weeks! Eeek! It was so fun and so cozy. I think I’d like to try it again sometime, or perhaps a tent somewhere by the sea for a summer. The caravan had a tiny little bed and a little sofa that could convert to a bed. It had windows and a skylight, and little bookshelves and storage.The kitchen and bathroom were in the house, so it felt a bit like camping which was fun. I filled it with flowers and taped up photos and things on the walls to make it feel personal. I loved being so close to the elements at night and listening to the wind, the rain, and the animals. My friend, Jenn, from Seattle came to join me for a couple days (pictured below) and she squeezed in the caravan with me. We stayed up late talking and giggling and it felt like summer camp! So much fun! The caravan was set across from a rowing pond. When you opened the door, you could see the pond and row boat, the flower fields, and the sweeping English countryside. There was a little bridge with an archway of weeping willow, the bridge led to a little island in the middle of the pond, where I would go for my nightly yoga/Ballet Beautiful. It was simply a dream! I’ve been living from a backpack and a tote bag, so the minimal living suited me perfectly. I found I wanted for nothing!

caravan frolic!

Have you ever lived in a caravan or a tent? What was it like for you?

Photos: Chelsea Fuss. Taken at Manor Farm Cottage Flowers in Somerset, England.


  1. i love these little peeks inside this magic adventure of yours, chelsea! i’ve yet to live in a caravan or tent for much longer than a week, but living on a sailboat several summers ago was one of the best things i’ve ever done. now i’m dreaming of living in a surf shack or hut on a beach somewhere warm and slow. i love how the simpler life gets, the richer our experience becomes.

  2. Beautiful words and photos. I lived in an old airstream caravan for a year on a friends farm. One of my favourite things was actually when it rained and you could hear the pitter patter sound on the roof, but you were all snug inside your tiny home!

  3. Is a caravan the same as a camper? My family had a camper, which was not, I assure you, as charming as your caravan sounds. We took trips in it to the hills of Southern Missouri and occasionally Tennessee. I didn’t appreciate its comforts or attractions as a preteen, although twenty years later I would be willing to give another incarnation a try.

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