luscombe drinks

Luscombe england

I am crazily obsessed with ginger beer, especially during the summertime. I've tried many varieties and up until a few days ago, Fentimans was my absolute favorite because it's got a kick but isn't too sweet. While out on the East Coast last week, I had the chance to try Luscombe, a line of organic drinks from England. Their ginger beer is so great (equally as good as Fentimans, I think). It's much more subtle but has a fresh, pure taste and still, not too sweet!


The flavors of the other Luscombe drinks sound delicious as well and the labels are pretty lovely. Since I am always on the lookout for interesting, non-alcoholic drinks, I was delighted when a bar tender last week offered to make a mixture of ginger beer and elderflower soda (my two favorites!). So delicious!

Photos from Luscombe.


  1. I always drooled over those at the British Library cafe — oh the things that I regret not trying when I lived in the UK!

  2. I live in the United States, Las Vegas, Nevada. Our family name is Luscombe and I would LOVE to order these three bottles. Can you please tell me how I can go about doing that? Thank you!!!

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