I hope you aren’t tired of Brittany farm stay photos! Here are a few snaps of the garden I’ve been working in. It’s wild, messy, and perfectly beautiful! The umbrella on the right was made entirely by hand. Isn’t that amazing?! I’ll share more soon.
Photos by Chelsea Fuss.
keep em coming! i will never tire of this farm and your days on it. Totally want to go here and work myself! xo
Love seeing what you come up with! It must be amazing on the farm!
It was a great celebration Saturday for your Grandmother Grace’s 105th birthday party. I have a photo of me and her on my new smartphone…but I don’t know how to get it anywhere although Maddy & Julia have the same phone so they helped me learn how to go between two callers! Linda & Steve really know how to throw a great party! I opened the local newspaper yesterday and there was Grace getting into the spirit by climbing into the 1929 Ford that Steve had parked outside!
You seem to be in your element in Brittany! Acanthus Mollis is one of my favorite plants! That is one striking garden border you’ve shown, Chelsea!
Mary in Oregon
What a beautiful garden! Love all the photographs. Love that umbrella, so impressive!
xo Nan
Simply Elegant Blog
How fun. I want to do what you do. How long are you going to be there? What’s next?