weekend house inspiration

Luke irwin home Luke irwin rugs  Pink1-700x525

I loved this article by Rita Konig in the WSJ magazine on Luke Irwin who designs the beautiful rugs in the second photo. Also loving the mish mash china from his house. And lastly, I am loving the pink walls and mix of color in this room from Ben Pentreath. All super inspirational for my apartment project!

Photos: 1+ 2: Tobias Harvey for WSJ Magazine. Photo 3: Ben Pentreath via Michelle Armas + Katy Elliott.


  1. i’ve loved pink walls ever since i went to a party–years ago–at this old, georgian-style house in baton rouge. it had all the typical white molding, fireplaces and such set against against pale pink walls. it was so elegant and surprisingly not overly girlie. (it was especially pretty by candlelight too.) plus, one of the bedrooms was painted a much deeper rose, also really gorgeous. not sure what my husband would think about pink walls though. you should totally do it! 🙂

  2. Hey Chelsea!
    This is really inspirational,amazing rugs and Ben Pentreath’s work is admirable,those colors are complementing each other very well.Thank you for sharing such a great and valuable stuff with us.

    Good Luck and God Bless!!

    With Regards!

  3. this is bold! I definitely struggle to combine color this freely – I end up being so “matchy matchy” because I’m afraid of things looking like a circus. Great inspiration post, Chelsea.

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