new styling work: the colette sewing handbook

Colette patterns book frolic

This is fun! A book I worked on last fall is now available to order! Sarai, the owner of Colette Patterns, just wrote her first sewing book! I am so excited for her. Sarai has such a distinct brand and it was a pleasure to be invited (along with photographer Lisa Warninger) into her world for a few days. 

Colette patterns book

We had such fun sorting through Sarai's studio and closets for props. She has some wonderful vintage pieces. I created the sets and did a lot of the prop styling in the book. Thanks so much to Rich Wipf, Carlie Armstrong, Samantha Shorey, and Amber Furqueron for all of their help.

Colette patterns 2

You can order The Colette Sewing Handbook right here. Check out Sarai's blog for more details. Congrats, Sarai!

Photos: Lisa Warninger.


  1. Your styling is perfect for this!!! I am so looking forward to the release of the book–even more so now that I “know” a few of the talented people behind it! 😉

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