I spotted the first violets of the season on a walk the other day! I have quite the violet obsession. Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Someday I'd love to have a lawn of sweet violets! This photo is an outtake from a shoot with Lisa Warninger.
Photo: Lisa Warninger.
I haven’t gone walking around for flowers in about two weeks. I’ve been taking photos of all the late Winter blooms. Except I do not know half their names (I suck at botany).
Gorgeous! My poor garden is still covered in ice and snow. I’m so jealous how spring comes a little earlier for you!
my heart lept for joy at these first signs of color. Daffodils and Irises can’t come soon enough.
eeee, violets!! also, so glad to read your interview over on designsponge. i liked reading about more behind the scenes stuff in your work. congratulations!
I love violets too! I LOVE the scent as well. I wanted a signature scent and found that whatever I decided on, it had to have violet notes. I searched for a long while and I ended up with Tocca Florence.
Signs of spring perk me right up, so thanks! Very cute image of violets as well.
Have a lovely day!
I planted violets last week and have been so uplifted each time I pass by them on my way into and out of the house. I’d never noticed that they have a scent though…running out to check into that right now!