violet season


I spotted the first violets of the season on a walk the other day! I have quite the violet obsession. Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Someday I'd love to have a lawn of sweet violets! This photo is an outtake from a shoot with Lisa Warninger.

Photo: Lisa Warninger.


  1. I haven’t gone walking around for flowers in about two weeks. I’ve been taking photos of all the late Winter blooms. Except I do not know half their names (I suck at botany).

  2. eeee, violets!! also, so glad to read your interview over on designsponge. i liked reading about more behind the scenes stuff in your work. congratulations!

  3. I love violets too! I LOVE the scent as well. I wanted a signature scent and found that whatever I decided on, it had to have violet notes. I searched for a long while and I ended up with Tocca Florence.

  4. I planted violets last week and have been so uplifted each time I pass by them on my way into and out of the house. I’d never noticed that they have a scent though…running out to check into that right now!

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