a spring flower class!

Flower class

I am excited to announce my first Frolic! workshop. Years ago, I used to teach flower classes at my shop and I thought it'd be fun to start these up again. My first flower class will be held on April 30th at the lovely Bernadette Breu (a gorgeous antique shop/warehouse in SE Portland). I will be sharing the basics of flower arranging and teaching the group how to make a French hand-tied bouquet which each student will be able to bring home. For more details or to purchase a spot, visit my online shop. Space is limited.

Photo: Chelsea Fuss.


  1. i love your bouquets! they’re so different than any i’ve ever seen, so lovely. you always make such great arrangements 🙂

  2. Flowers have a very special spot in my heart. I really, really love them I don’t even know why. 🙂 And learning how to do wedding bouquets has long been a dream for me, I will always go back here to check out every flower class cleverness you’ll have in here. Thanks!

  3. I love flowers and have a few books on flower arranging. I wanted to be a florist at one time but never quite got there. Your workshop sounds like fun.

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