happy weekend!


What are you all up to this weekend? I am going to be painting my apartment! Does anyone else have the January doldrums? I always forget that this month is always a bit of a downer. I am trying to light lots of candles and go on walks (need to do more of this!). I can't help but dream of springtime and green leaves.

Thanks so much for all the support for my other blogging gig over at Babble. I am really having a lot of fun. It's great to have an outlet to share all the kids stuff I adore too. 

Have a cozy January weekend!

Photo by the wonderful Charlotte Boeyden.


  1. It has been chilly and cold, but Mother Nature bestowed a beautiful day on us today. We spent the afternoon and evening at the beach with friends. This weekend I’m going to finish refinishing an old kids school desk I found when out running. And, I”m on a search for a small writing desk.

  2. To avoid the January doldrums, I just focus a lot on goals. It makes me feel very productive and keeps me positive.

    Though I agree, candles help a lot. Fresh flowers too!

  3. birthday party for our almost 10 year old today. 🙂 Lots of cake and cheesecake at our house right now. January is a tough month for me too, besides the weather, tax time begins for our small encorporated business. Candles, walks, and cheesecake does wonders.

  4. Such a lovely blog! Oh to have ivy growing on my house. Have fun painting your pad. Painting a fresh coat of paint is like wearing a new shade of lipstick- you’re totally excited to show it off!

  5. I’ve been downing oranges and enjoying long walks too. Just in the mood for something fresh.

    Really eager to see what colors you choose. It looks like a lovely space. I want to own a home soon!

  6. hi there! my name is vivien and i won a ticket to alt summit last week (yes, last week!). i’m making the drive with my amazing husband all the way from dallas, tx and i’m hoping to sit in on your session thursday morning! love the blog, love your work and i’d love to meet you!

  7. I hear you! I hate the feeling of January, it always seems like a big let-down after the chaos and the big lead-up to the holidays. Especially taking down the tree and all the decorations, everything just feels so stark and empty and I can’t help but feel depressed. You are right, getting in some good walks in the chilly sunshine is so good for your spirits this time of year. I also like to have lots of fires in the fireplace and get cozy with good books.

  8. I am just catching up on your blog after the long weekend and this post made me feel a little better about having the January blues. It seems to be contagious, doesn’t it? It’s so grey and no more holidays on the horizon. We’ll just have to craft our way until Spring!

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