40th anniversary invitation


Invitation 1
The envelopes were lined with mix and match calico fabrics. They were surprisingly easy to make and I am an extremely impatient crafter! I was actually quite happy with the whole project and minus the time I spent printing the wrong date, it only took me an evening and $30!


  1. I love the term inpatient crafter. I think I’ll have to use that to describe myself as well. I also love that you also boo boo’d on the date. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one that does stuff like that.

    Congrats on a job well done.

  2. Tutorial? YES PLEASE!! I would LOVE to make these for my DYI wedding invites! Please, please please tell me your secrets!

  3. Chelsea,
    You are a star!
    Love the envelopes and especially the fabric choice. Would love to find out how did you manage to make it look like a ready made one.
    Sending a sunny smile from Israel,

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