recent inspirations

I took a spontaneous trip to Seattle this week for some sister time. One night we went to a dress rehearsal of the All Balanchine show by the Pacific Northwest Ballet. I was smitten with Serenade. The pale blue tulle skirts they wore with the velvet waistbands were so dreamy, not to mention the choreography and emotive score.


Another night we ate Rum Raisin Chocolate Ice Cream and watched An Education. I know a lot of people have blogged the glamorous 60's dresses from this film but as far as the art direction, I loved her schoolgirl clothes, the wallpapers, and the shopfronts and interiors. I thought the film was excellent, though I am almost always a fan of Nick Hornby.


Top photo: Angela Sterling for PNB. Bottom Photo: Rotten Tomatoes.


  1. I loved “An Education” for the way it blended Jenny’s stark young innocence with David’s opulent lush “adult-like” style. To see her transform in to an adult while keeping her young innocent mind was what made the movie so interesting. Plus, I’m a sucker for the 60’s πŸ™‚

  2. Chelsea-
    I’m so thrilled you enjoyed the performance of Serenade. The opening moment of the ballet is one of my all time most favorite serene art moments. I am currently doing wardrobe for the show and wanted to add that the skirts on the dresses are actually made of one long continuous piece of tulle dyed different shades of blue and then tightly gathered at the waistband (this tight gathering is what looks like velvet). I really like how the simplicity of the garment, including its clean lines, mono-tone color pallet and simple construction all tie together to emphasize the exquisite movement.
    maybe I’m just being a total nerd. Anyhow you picked a really great program to come see, I also love the last piece “Four Temperaments” totally incredible it was made by the same person. Thanks again for the mention.

  3. Gah! I just barely saw this movie and fell in love. Her parent’s kitchen? His car? Emma Thompson’s hair?

    I love ballet costumes best of all, and I’ll never say no to velvet ribbon and tulle. Dreamy!

  4. i also enjoyed watching “an education.” i loved her teacher’s apartment closer to the end of the movie. loved all the cute outfits as well. πŸ™‚

  5. An Education is a really good film, but it’s the attention to detail that lifts it to ‘great’. The shop fronts, her bedroom, all of it is so evocative without being showy and obviously ‘retro set’ like.

    The soundtrack is fab too if you come across it!

  6. So true, Cathy. I am not impressed by many films but everything about this film was well-done. I’d venture to say it was perfect. And, as far as the art direction, I have to agree. It felt completely real and effortless, not like some films that are so over the top and obvious. I will check out the soundrack as you suggest!

  7. Meg: I sent you an email but thank you so much for your comment. To my eyes, it was velvet!:) That totally makes sense, though. Kudos to you. The costumes were glorious!

  8. i loved an education too! i esp loved the schoolgirl leather satchels. i’ve tried to google them w/o success. anyone know where you can get one?? thanks!

  9. We have An Education from Netflix right now but haven’t gotten to watch it yet. Can’t wait!

    PNB is always top notch. Next time you come up to Seattle, hit me up for coffee! You were within walking distance of my house!

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