1. House in Vaxholm.
2. Waiting for the ferry to Finnhamn Island.
P.S. I will try not to bore you with too many mundane photos, especially since I get super excited about silly things like mailboxes, signage, house numbers, food packaging, etc.. (just a few things I squealed over today!).
please please please
send us each and every pic of mailboxes and everything else!
we’re living vicariously through you
and won’t get bored..promise..
PLEASE bore us!!!
i second that! Would love to see mailboxes, and ESPECIALLY food packaging…
yes, please show us anything that strikes your fancy! it’s very interesting.
oh chelsea, i LOVE this!!!! you must post as many photos as you’d like, we’ll eat them up!!!!
I like the every day life photos, keep them coming!
yes! i second that, i want all those details and more besides! keep ’em coming!
Umm, pictures of packaging, signage, and mailboxes are not boring! Please share more!!
Ditto to what jennifer said!!!
Please, do share! <3
Awesome! Keep them coming! I love travel photos.
I agree with jennifer m. I love those two photos above too.
i agree with jen….but, how about a few pics of the flower markets or flower shops {if you run into them}
I would never tire of it.
I had a lull at work today and wondered what you were up to, what you were seeing. It’s been a long while since I was in a new place, walking around with wide eyes, drinking in everything I saw. I’d love you to remind me what it’s like!!
not boring!
beautiful images! and thanks for the I Saw blog tip. what a great site!!
so pretty! sweden looks like a lovely place. have a wonderful time on your trip. 🙂
please bore us! that is so NOT boring!!!! More Sweden please, please, pretty please.
Please do bore us! I squeal over that kind of stuff too!
you’re already in sweden?
can’t wait to see more!!
Yes – post some more pictures, I love swedish design 🙂
You’re in sweden? Incredible. I was learning Swedish once upon a time. I had a pseudo-boyfriend from Stockholm.
Bring ’em on. There can never be too much everyday Sweden!
oh please DO bore with those things! its simple little things in life that make it beautiful!
no way! i love these photos, please keep ’em coming!
i echo everyone else in saying BRING ON THE MUNDANE SWEDISH THINGS!
oh please do chelsea!! you must!
Yes, please… More Swedish photos!
I hope you do continue to “bore” us with your photos!! Those little details are so much of what makes your trip incredibly interesting to follow!
i didn’t realize how many other people love mailboxes and house numbers! how nice 🙂 funny, i thought you were going to sweden for three weeks, which i thought was totally wonderful. but three months!! brilliant!!!
I love the little things like mailboxes and doors and toothpaste tubes and candy wrappers when I’m on vacation!! Please send them all to us who are on nocation!
we love potato bags and mailboxes and house numbers and anything else you want to show us! show us your mundane photos! we will never get bored!
such a pretty color (the house)…
Lovely lovely shots! I say show them all! I love taking/looking at photos of just such things as signs, mailboxes etc. 🙂
Take care!