roses and ramblings


Everyone keeps asking me how I like "not working?". Um. I’ve been working like a crazy girl ever since I fled my cubicle less than two weeks ago. There are loads of things to get done but I am adoring my new way of life.

These roses are leftover from a wedding I helped Pam with over the weekend. I had so much fun! I forgot how much I love flower land. Plus, the wedding happened to be for a Frolic! reader which made it extra special:)

This is the only clean and calm corner of my home. I am trying to organize and simplify this week as I continue to finish work projects. My goal is to discard most of my clothing closet and most of the other walk-in closet that is supposed to be my office. I’ll let you know how it goes.

P.S. Thank you, Elizabeth Dye for your fashion tips last Friday! Hopefully I’ll take them to heart ( I really need them!) You can find all of Elizabeth’s tips on the left column under Guest Bloggers, Elizabeth Dye.


  1. isn’t it funny how people think if you don’t have an “office” job, then you don’t have a “real” job…geesh.

    am i wierd that i’m a bit jealous that you’re purging your closet? i love a good closet purge.

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