free download: i love the ’90s!


Annemarie and I were reminiscing about the '90s on Twitter and thought it would be fun to pass the love around with these stickers! Because really, what's better than The Cranberries, Winona Ryder Movies, My So Called Life, and Pacey


Supplies: sticker paper, X-Acto knife, ruler, printer

Sources: Staples sticker paperAvery sticker paper

Tip: Make all horizontal cuts first, without cutting to the edges of paper (and thereby retaining the trim marks). Then do the same for the 2 vertical cuts. Your stickers should pop out seamlessly. 

Get your free '90s stickers right here!

Have fun!

More '90s Favorites:

The Sundays

Claire Danes

'90s Dress

Lace-up Boots

Photos, Styling and Design: Scout's Honor Co. for Frolic! For non-commercial use only, please.


  1. i LOVE the cranberries! I recently saw Dolores O’Riordan do a solo gig in London and when she started belting out songs from the Cranberries (yes, cheap shot, but who cares!) the crowd went ballistic! good stuff!

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