a peek at berlin..


I am slowly getting to know Berlin. Here are a few snapshots I took last week on my phone. 

Photos: Chelsea Fuss, taken with VSCO App.


  1. How lucky to be in Berlin! I was fortunate enough to visit Berlin for my brother’s wedding six years ago… if you get a chance also visit the nearby town of Potsdam… and take a peek around the Dutch quarter of the old downtown…

  2. Lovely! I am in Berlin right now. It seems to be a difficult city to navigate, but a gem for sure. Looking forward to more photos of your explorations! I have yet to begin sorting through mine from this city.

  3. Berlin looks like such a charming city! My family lived in Munich for 4 years, but for some reason, I never made it to Berlin. That last photo makes me want to get a wicker basket for my bike. It seems like a necessity! I’d love to meet up with you for coffee when you get back to Portland! Have a fantastic weekend :o)

  4. Hey Rachel! No, I was living in Spreewald and the Berlin area for a little over a month but am home now. That’s awesome you are moving there It’s so affordable and such an amazing city!

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