vancouver: finch’s tea and coffeehouse

finchs tea and coffeehouse vancouver

I spent the weekend in Vancouver, B.C. with two lovely friends. My favorite place to eat when I visit Vancouver is Finch's Tea and Coffeehouse

Finchs vancouver

The sandwiches are oh so delicious and fresh and the atmosphere is dripping with charm.

finch's vancouver

This time around I had the pear, blue cheese, brie, prosciutto and walnut sandwich. All the sandwiches are served on pieces of brown paper.


Cori had the egg salad and Jenny had my favorite which is a mass of avocados, edam cheese, generous salt and pepper, dijon mustard mayo, roasted walnuts, lettuce and cucumbers. It sounds simple, but it's honestly the most amazing sandwich I've ever eaten.


Finch's is located one block from my favorite hotel. I am not big on hotels, especially when I travel alone, because they are just too expensive but The Victorian is reasonable, super charming, has great service and is well-located You can even rent Pashley bicycles from them! I've stayed there twice and loved it (thanks Sunset for the tip!).

Photos: Chelsea Fuss.


  1. You got a shot of our stylish girl in her acne jeans and cute hair! 🙂
    I’m totally doing a sandwich party, which our favorite avocado as the star of the show. Thank you for bringing us to such a charming spot!

  2. Finch’s is one of my fave lunch spots here in Vancouver. I actually shot the story for Sunset about Gastown that mentioned The Victorian. Such a great little hotel. Glad you had fun in Vancouver!

  3. I would like to eat all of those sandwiches, sit at that lovely table, and have that outfit and hair worn by the girl in the bottom photo! This whole spread is gorgeous.

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