marigold + mint

Marigold andmint

I've talked before about how one of my big dreams is to become a flower farmer and I used to own a flower shop (if you didn't know). So I was really excited when my blog friends, Stephanie and Jane brought Marigold and Mint to my attention. It's an organic flower shop in Seattle. Their flowers are sourced from their own organic farm as well as others in the area. It looks super lovely and the website design is charming. This is a must-see on my next trip to Seattle!


  1. back in college I majored in art but the only other thing I could think of that I would seriously love is owning a special flower shop like this picture above…(Im jealous you actually made it happen)! how could you have a bad day when surrounded my beautiful flowers?! 🙂

  2. What a blast of sunshine that photo is!

    My plan is to plant a cutting garden this year just for our area’s hospice residence…those people need their days brightened for sure.

    Happy to have found your blog, hope to visit your flower shop someday :^)

  3. I grew up on a cut flower farm and everyone always thought it was such a magical life. We had a flower shop too where we sold our flowers, I guess it was before the last wave of everyone thinking garden roses are so cool. It is hard work, always work.
    I still work with flowers and love flowers but doing it all is very difficult.

  4. I deliver flowers to Katherine’s awesome little shop weekly during the flower season.
    It’s definitely a must visit if you’re ever in Seattle!!!

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