For a fun, low-maintenance film camera, I adore the disposable! I think I'll buy a stash of them for the coming months, though I'll just be hanging around Oregon.
Photos from my Flickr.
For a fun, low-maintenance film camera, I adore the disposable! I think I'll buy a stash of them for the coming months, though I'll just be hanging around Oregon.
Photos from my Flickr.
such a great idea. and it’s always a surprise when you develop them!
these are great. my favorite pictures from my honeymoon were all from disposable cameras.
hej, love love that idea! will put it in focus! thanks for the great tip! now..where to find these, hehe!
Disposable cameras RUUUUUULE. They have that smoothing, warming effect I adore. Aka, what the film cameras my Mom owns do.
great tip! will have to pack them for my upcoming trip to South Africa. any brand in particular to recommend?
I love film! I still hang on to my film SLR and choose it above all else. Great photos! Thanks for sharing.
yes, love disposable cameras!! these are some great snaps chelsea!
Honora…but the disposables that are in South Africa…they are of less quality but the pictures come out amazingly!
I love yours too, Chelsea!
I love these film camera pictures. I think I like them more than digital pictures.
stop miss chelsea!!!! i was just wondering if these were any good still! i’ve been immersed in the wedding industry, and i remember when disposable cameras were all the craze(like on tables for the guests to play around with).
i am gonna give this a shot-thank you!
I can’t believe those are all from a disposable! very nice. I have taken a few bicycle trips where the only cameras were disposables that were sent home to my mom (I was biking with dad). She would develop and see glimpses of our days.
Hey Honora!
These are from a Kodak one. I think that’s the only kind of ever used but I know fuji has some too. Can’t wait to see your photos!
I just recently bought a disposable camera, I just need a day to go outside and be free with the world. And write with light 🙂
Truly the most underrated camera in existence! Some of my best snaps have come from a disposable. I like the ones with black & white film too.
I highly recommend the panoramic disposable camera – I’ve taken some amazing shots with it!
Thanks for all of the information, great blog by the way.
You know what I love? finding an old disposal camera with shots on it or an old roll of film you haven’t developed. It’s such a mystery!
Those photos are amazing. I wouldn’t have thought of it. I will have to get some!
That first pic is one of my faves of all my Flickr faves!
oh my these are gorgeous! I love bringing a disposi to events because if I lose it, i only have the deal with the disappointment of the lost memories. {also great for the beach. Sand in an auto-lens is the wooorst!}