a very special event!


I am so excited to announce a collaboration with Abby Powell Thompson called little winter! Taking place in November, little winter, is one part handmade market and one part blogger meet-up (remember Summer Social?) If you've been wanting to visit Portland, this might be the perfect excuse!  Check out the little winter blog for more details, an amazing list of vendors,  and more updates soon! 


  1. This is such a GREAT idea!! I think I cried a little when I realized I’ll be in California for a wedding that weekend 🙁 Especially since I live about three blocks away!

    If you need any help with set up in the days before I’d love to help!

    Congrats on the great collaboration. I have no doubt it will be a roaring success!!

  2. Yikes. Bold move putting this before SB at the Cleaners. Not sure if I should participate this year or not with this news.

  3. Hi Dani!

    Thanks for your comment! We are aware of the Sunday Best Sale and have spoken with them about our sale. We love the Sunday Best girls!!. We are fully supportive of each other and believe the more handmade sales that happen this time of year, the better! We are excited that so many people want to support the handmade community and love the there will be more options than ever this year to do so.



  4. Hey everyone! As the curator of the Sunday Best Holiday Sale, I would like to say that I am excited for these ladies and their event. Both sales will have very different vendors, so please be sure to visit both! I will definitely be shopping this sale.

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