A few housekeeping items for you:
1. You can now find Frolic! at www.frolic-blog.com as well as the old URL. So happy about this and hope it will make things easier!
2. I have some great advertising opportunities available here straight away! This site has a highly targeted audience, thousands of readers a day and has received lots of press. Email me for info: chelseafuss(at)gmail(dot)com. Also, 5% of our sponsor fees are donated to the lovely Growing Gardens non-profit!
3. Lisa and I are still looking for some girls, guys and kids for our casting call on Sunday. Check out the info here. If you've emailed me about this, you will be receiving details from me soon.
4. Last but not least, I have a wonderful new intern who I will introduce to you soon.
As always, thanks for your visits, comments, and emails (which I promise, will be answered shortly!)
xo Chelsea
Photo by Nicole Hill Gerulat. Styling by me.
Yay for all your good news, Chelsea! I just have to tell you that that photo makes me swoon. It always makes me smile when you post it. If I could capture my aesthetic taste in one photo, that would be it, hands-down. Ok I’ll stop being a raving lunatic now… just wanted to share that 🙂
love this photo!!!
yay! this is wonderful! so happy to see your blog FLOURISH!
fun! actually working on an ‘a few things’ post with many of the same updates — must be that time of year 🙂
Congratulations on your new URL! It is a good move.