project wedding: wallpaper table setting



Here's a little wedding table I created for Project Wedding using Manuel Canovas wallpaper remnants. I think this table setting would look great with big modern lanterns, and contemporary chairs. Full story here.


  1. i LOVE this idea!! i have some leftover woods wallpaper that i might use on the table for Audrey’s b-day party…thanks for the inspiration (as always 😉

  2. Beautiful! I love the soft pink (I usually associate you with yellows and greens so this is a lovely chnage). And agree – modern chairs and lanterns would set it off perfectly.

  3. So pretty and thanks for the link. I visited Project Wedding and Once Wed for ideas for my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary party. Wow, seeing all those ideas makes me want to get married again (to the same man, of course – see and read about him at my recent blog post

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