growing gardens update + survey


Back in January, I started donating 5% of the Frolic! sponsor fees to Growing Gardens, a non-profit that fights hunger by teaching people organic vegetable gardening. So far, I've been able to donate a little over $400. It may not seem like a large amount, but I am thrilled this blog could raise a little something for those in need. It couldn't have happened without any of you (readers + sponsors), so thank you!

P.S. I am closing the survey today so please take it if you haven't already. I've loved the nice comments and insightful feedback.


  1. I think it’s great that a portion of your proceeds goes to charity. It makes me want to visit your sponsors that much more!

  2. I think $400 is a lot if that’s 5% of your ad fees! I think it’s a great idea for you to donate and it’s great you can make a living off this blog. I’m sure they are thrilled with $400!

  3. How lovely, Chelsea! And for such a great cause. The survey is a great idea as well — may need to do something similar at some point — feel as if am coming to a little blog-life crisis 🙂

    Hope you’re having a wonderful week,

  4. On behalf of Growing Gardens, thank you! For every $600 we raise (with the help of businesses like Frolic!, community members and foundations), we can install a garden and support the gardener for 3 years as they learn to grow food organically at home. We very much appreciate your support.

  5. Love those red boots!

    And as a fundraiser for a library (who is used to getting nasty “no!” responses these days), $400 is a lot to a small non-profit and I’m sure it means so much to them!

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