Blogger, Nina is originally from Norway though currently she resides in Boston. She shares her ideas, inspirations and loves on her blog, Naturally Nina. Photo by Ms. Teso.
Liss from Melbourne writes Daydream Lily. Her blog is chock full of inspirational photographs! Photo by Olivia Bee.
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I really like Nina’s blog! I’ll have to check out the other one. Beautiful photos. 😀
Love the selection of images on Daydreams’s blog. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful photos! Do you happen to know who snapped the first pic?
Yes, Emily! I should have had the credit there. It’s from Flickr:
Oh I will definitely check out Nina’s blog. I am already a big fan of Daydream Lily.
Such pretty photos! I love them together:)
perhaps it’s worth mentioning that the photo you’ve featured from Nina’s blog is the work of an amazing young Portland-area photographer who goes by OliviaBee on flickr. She sells prints; totally worth checking out! She’s been so kind as to permit me to paint some of her portraits.
Thank you, Sarah!! I forgot to include the links to the original photos on these and for that I apologize. I greatly appreciate you mentioning this. I will post the links now!
She is SO talented!!!
thanks for sharing!!