david austin roses

Pink david austin roseDavid austin 1

If you are in need of a winter pick-me-up, I'd recommend ordering yourself a David Austin Catalog. I just got done drooling over the glossy photos. The website is not  the same-you'll need the catalog. I can't wait for summer!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I have a David Austin rose in my little balcony garden in Brooklyn and I worship at its temple. I wish I had room for more…they are luscious.

  2. These are lovely! Unfortunately, I currently have neither a yard or balcony space, so the catalog will have to do for now. But as soon as I have room, these are going on my list, along with a lilac bush and peonies!

  3. One of the things my mother and I love to do is have a cup of tea and look through the David Austin catalog and dream of gardens. The best part are the names – each one is like a character in an epic.

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