a portland snowstorm

Christmas house

We have snow! It's sort of an exciting thing here. The whole city basically shuts down. Yesterday I went on lots of walks (I found this perfectly festive house), cleaned my apartment, did some cooking, burned lots of candles, and watched my favorite version of Pride & Prejudice.


  1. Nick and I took a walk up in NW in the snow today. It’s amazing how serene Portland is when it snows. We look at all of the gorgeous houses and mourn their lovely, frozen lawns. It’s like all the plants are in denial about winter and completely taken by surprise.

  2. Nick and I took a walk up in NW in the snow today. It’s amazing how serene Portland is when it snows. We look at all of the gorgeous houses and mourn their lovely, frozen lawns. It’s like all the plants are in denial about winter and completely taken by surprise.

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