avoca clothing I love love love the styling and fashions at Avoca, an Irish clothing brand that Jane posted about ages ago. The company is 280 years old!
I desperately need to go home. Even though I posted this originally, I got a pang of homesickness seeing it on your blog! Reply
PS – Avoca is a woolen mill – the clothing label is just one small part of their repertoire, which includes entire mini-department stores and divine cafes (the best lemon curd cake ever). Reply
I desperately need to go home. Even though I posted this originally, I got a pang of homesickness seeing it on your blog!
I’m in love…thank you.
PS – Avoca is a woolen mill – the clothing label is just one small part of their repertoire, which includes entire mini-department stores and divine cafes (the best lemon curd cake ever).
I’ve fallen in love with this brand based on this photo alone!