1. Connie (my grandmother) and her sister Dorothy. Taken on Connie’s 21st birthday.
2. The luggage was a gift from her family.
3. With her best-friend and next-door neighbor, Harry.
I often made hats to match my dresses for we were not considered ‘dressed’ unless we were wearing hats and gloves. Casual dress was saved for the beaches and for picnics.
Wow, what great photos! You are so lucky to have these. Thanks for sharing!
More amazing photos! Harry was rather dashing, no?
I love the comment about wearing hats and gloves… 🙂
A Canadian granny eh? Very cool.
What I notice is that the women and men always had ‘style’ in whatever they were wearing. Her school binders from the 30’s trip we out! Its history smack in front of you showing us how they felt at that time – what a treasure for you and us, thanks so much for sharing.
She and Harry were only friends? I love the pictures.
I love vintage dresses. Isn’t it funny how so many designers are copying the patterns almost to the ‘t’ (ie Issac Mizrahi). They have such a feminine look.
I love how families always have the “photo spot.” In our family, it is in front of the living room bookcases.
What great photos! Thanks for sharing these. They are so wonderful. I can’t imagine not being “dressed” until I had a hat and gloves on…
Beautiful photos! I wish people still dressed like this (I say as I sit here in my jeans and hideous Crocs). Everyone looks so put together and stylish. Love it!
I love how everyone dressed back then. Great, great photos!
all of these pics of your grandma and her sister are ultra fantastic, and the clothes are so great!