{guest bloggers sara & jaime: shoes}

Chelsea wanted me to share where I buy my shoes.  This is tough to answer because, like most of my favorite clothes, my shoes are purchased often when I travel.  But I can share my philosophy of shoes, in general. 

Just as a good pair of shoes can make an inexpensive outfit look spendy, a bad pair of shoes can make an expensive outfit look cheap.  When looking for shoes I focus on 3 things really:  comfort, originality, and longevity.  Cost is almost an afterthought.  They first and foremost need to be comfortable.  Trust me, comfortable high heels do exist and not always at an outrageous price.  Some of my favorite 3 1/2 inch wedge sandals I bought at Target for $15.   

My shoes must also be unique and stand the test of time (unless they are the $15 Target shoes).  I don’t like run of the mill shoes.  This is a large reason for why I often buy clothes and shoes on travels.  But when I am in town, the store I most often frequent is Imelda’s.  They have both the high and the low end of the price point. 

I also tend not to succumb to fads with fashion.  Instead, I prefer shoes that are above trends.  I still get compliments on shoes I bought 5 years ago.   This is also how I justify some of my more expensive purchases.   I don’t own any cydwoq’s (pronounced like sidewalk) but I did convince my mom to buy a pair at Halo so I can drool to my heart’s content.  They will custom make any style with any of their leather options so anyone can have a one of a kind shoe.      


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