Do you own a small business or Etsy shop? Would you like to learn how to photograph and style your products? On Sunday, October 21st, Lisa Warninger and I will be giving a product styling and photography workshop at The Ace Hotel in Portland, hosted by Etsy. We've worked on photo shoots for clients like Chronicle Books, HGTV, and Kinfolk Magazine and Etsy shops like Anna Joyce and Elizabeth Dye. We'll share our trade secrets, demo a photo shoot, and consult you on how you should shoot your product (full day tickets only).
You will learn:
-How to create a set for that will sell your product.
-How to use natural light and minimal resources to photograph.
-How to get your products featured on blogs.
+ more!
Both Lisa and I have a love for small businesses and are excited to meet you. There is limited space available. Sign up here!
Photo: Lisa Warninger for Anna Joyce. Styling by Chelsea Fuss. Thanks to Janell of Prunella Soap, Jen of The Cozy Project and the Portland Etsy Team for organizing this workhop.