I have an all purpose table in my small space where I work, where I eat, where I Skype with my mom. I’ve been reading Erin’s book, trying to figure out how to keep clutter to a minimum as I am always collecting beautiful theater posters, letterpress postcards, and concert schedules that always have incredible graphics. I can’t help but pick them up wherever I go. But it makes for a lot of paper clutter. The beautiful company, Kohezi from Amsterdam, sent over this amazing brass pen! Isn’t the packaging just?! It goes beautifully with my leather desk accessories from P226, handmade here in Lisbon. Now I just need a desk! I’ve been thinking of renting one as I’d love to work out of home and the coffee shop routine gets old after a while. Here’s to dreaming of my own little desk. For now I put these beauties to work at the all-purpose table, my bedside desk, and a handful of favorite coffee shops throughout the city!
Photos: Chelsea Fuss. Brass pen from Kohezi. Leather desk accessories and custom pencils from Project 226. Both were gifts from the companies.
What a lovely and unusual pen!