Summer in the English Countryside

england sheep and lara flowers

I took so many photos in England, I am not really even sure how to begin making these into digestible posts. Somerset is simply everything you’d imagine the English countryside to be: rolling green hills, pastures of grazing sheep, pubs, tweed, an abundance of wellies, and charming people. Above is Lara gathering a bucket of flowers from her garden and some of the sheep we encountered on a walk to the flower fields.


Above is the lovely Saffy, in the flower fields.

row boat toril and anna

These are two lovely Danish girls who were also volunteering at the farm for a week. I loved their lighthearted, happy approach to life always writing in their travel journals, rowing the boat, reading, or making watercolors.


And, Victoria Sandwich, made by a neighbor for our flower class. Eeeek! The best cake I’ve ever eaten!

Photos by Chelsea Fuss. Taken at Manor Farm Cottage Flowers in Somerset, England,


  1. All your photos are so beautiful! I find myself pinning them, and I always give you a credit by writing that the photos are from your blog. I was thinking that not everyone will do this, so just a suggestion, you caption your photos so that you are credited. Just a friendly suggestion. x

  2. Your website is so inspirational. I myself worked as a florist in Oregon and California before I moved to The Netherlands. I’ve picked it up again and planted a beautiful garden with flowers for picking. While looking at these photographs I’m getting excited for my garden to bloom!

  3. after reading this and seeing these pictures, all i can think about is having an English summer vacation, i was wondering if you could tell how to volunteer for Manor Farm Cottage Flower Farm in Somerset? do i send them an Email? i tried asking them by their facebook page but they never replied back, so i would really appreciate it if you could help me with this.
    enjoy what remains of this summer 🙂

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