French Vegetable Garden



france brittany garden


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At the French farm there are two huge vegetable plots plus a greenhouse full of tomatoes. It has been such a dream to cook from this garden every day. We’ve harvested gobs of onions, shallots, lettuces, tomatoes, plums, beans, garlic, leeks, herbs, and more! The best part is, this garden is made from scratch. Everything is saved and re-used. Watering is done with mostly watering cans and rain barrels. Tomatoes are staked with dime store twine and twigs. The family has put 20 years of labor into the land and their meals are made from around 80% off the meat and veggies they raise, harvest, and butcher right here on the farm. Their lifestyle and space has been immensely inspiring, making sustainability, and simple living seem doable. They aren’t purists. You’ll find the occasional packaged food in their pantry and fridge and the couple both work, running the farm in the spare time and with volunteers.

Photos: Chelsea Fuss. Taken in Brittany, France.



  1. So happy that you got to see, experience and totally enjoy your time there on the farm! It looks delightful!!

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