I love the feeling of being in love with someone. It doesn't have to be romantic. I fall in love with my nieces, my nephews, random strangers, old friends and new friends all the time. That's why I enjoy Valentine's Day! It's fun to have an excuse to show people they are great and you like having them in your life. Also, this quote about love from Christopher Owens is pretty great.
…love is something you can make, too, and you don't have to get it back from somebody. I can just love the hell out of someone, and it's just as rewarding as if someone was very much into me. Like, I love Gene Kelly, and I can watch him on DVD whenever I feel like it. It's a wonderful thing in my life and it's real love.
Watercolor Valentine (free download!)
Romantic valentines from Bright Star!
I can fall in love in 3 seconds.
If only dating was like this.
Sweet Valentine's inspiration.
Christopher Owens quote from Pitchfork. Instagram photo is by me. Taken in Berlin at the Bleibtreu Hotel Flower Shop.
i love this part – “I can just love the hell out of someone.” it’s so true – you just want to squeeze the very life out of them although not literally. i love your list & you, of course!
i think you would also love ted kooser’s poems for valentine’s day –
Ted Kooser Shares the Poetry of Valentine’s Day http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18990762
I love you even though I barely know you :). Hugs!!
Your “alternative to roses” bouquet is so lovely!
Thank you so much for his quote! And the beautiful perspective shift!