pendleton woolen mills


Several weeks ago I took a trip to the desert of Eastern Oregon to visit Pendleton, Oregon because my friend needed to go there to do some research. We stopped at the Pendleton Woolen Mills (the original founded in 1863!). I have a lot of things to say about this trip and the places we visited but for now I'll just show you the pretty woolen mills and the plaid blankets I loved. 

Pendleton woolen mills

Pendleton is a very historic place and home to the Pendleton Round-up which I'd love to attend one day. Visiting the town felt like stepping back in time.

Photos: Chelsea Fuss.


  1. So *that’s* what they do! They used to be one of my accounts before I changed account sets at work (I work in IT), but I never even bothered to look into what they did. I totally should have, though then I would have wanted to barter software for woolen goods. 🙂

  2. So, Chelsea, what plaid fabric couldn’t you resist? That is assuming that they are still selling yard goods there (I bought some over 20 years ago when I visited the factory).

    Mary in Eugene

  3. I was just talking about Pendleton blankets this weekend I can’t believe I don’t have one!! I’m from OR for goodness sake (not eastern OR, mind you… maybe that’s my excuse). I was also a rodeo queen in high school (ya, it just got weird) haha can’t wait to see your follow-up!!

  4. Love Pendleton. My Grandma worked there for 20 years and I have more blankets than you can imagine! We get to the round up as often as we can 🙂

    Let ‘r’ buck!

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