I am working on a party project so I've been hitting up some of my favorite event sites for inspiration. I've fallen in love with this barnyard party featuring cosmos centerpieces and French park chairs by Alison Events. It reminds me of this sweet cosmos and sweet pea arrangement below that Joanna Goddard posted a while back. The gorgeous sun-drenched images add to the allure I think.
Top two photos: Alison Events. Bottom photo via Joanna Goddard by Anna Robin.
Sweet pea is my all time favourite. This is divine!
love! i’m so glad you meant cosmos, the flower. i thought you meant the drink- i was all, “chelsea nooooo”. i am a dum dum.
That last photo should be taped to my mirror. I’m trying to grow my hair out from it’s pixie-come-mullet shag and that little gal on the left has killer locks.
There are lots of cosmo gardens around our neighborhood and I get so happy every time I see one. They’re my fave.
pretty post!
I planted cosmos from seed this year and they are growing nicely in my front yard. {seeds were given to me by my sweet neighbor!}
French park chairs (how great is that name?!) look like the perfect furnishings to keep around in a small condo and pull out for big parties. Certainly prettier than dragging in my dirty balcony chairs. 🙂 I’ll have to put this on my to-do-someday-eventually list.
That top photo looks so dreamy. I’d love a little pot of cosmos to stare at on my desk, especially in that kind of light.
I love the chairs and the oh-so simple place settings. If something can be minimal and romantic at the same time, this is it!
I find myself going back to that wedding rehearsal Joanna posted too. Sweet peas and lake swimming make for an amazing combo!
just beautiful – simple settings with so much heart! lovely!
Simply gorgeous!