bluebells + sunshine

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Yesterday was gorgeous and sunny so my friend Amber and I headed to the outskirts of the city for a spring walk. The bluebells were out full force. Isn't spring just delicious?

Photos by me. Outfits and modeling by Amber Furqueron.


  1. I always associate bluebells with English children’s novels. How charming that you actually have them growing near you!
    This area just explodes with forsythia this time of year, and I love to pair it with pussy willows 🙂

  2. Oh wow these photos are beautiful. They make me wish the sun was out where I am and that I had my own woven purse to pick bluebells with.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. bluebells! I have these all over my backyard and love love love making tiny bouquets for every room in the house. Last year when we moved in my stubborn boy roomates declared them all weeds and ripped them out of the lawn. I shed a few tears, but this year they are back, better than ever! And no flower killing had occured. In fact, the boy has embraced their loveliness with plans to build a stepping stone path under their lovely leafy umbrella.

    Also, I am curious about the location of the first picture! Hoyt? or Forest Park?

  4. Alice’s Adventures: Thanks! Your backyard sounds divine!! The top photo was taken at The Bishop’s Close Garden in SW and the rest were taken in the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Thanks for the nice comments, everyone!

  5. this is so sweet! that basket/purse concoction is adorable.. it makes me want to have a little dog and pick strawberries 🙂
    i enjoy my daily frolic! read, thanks for posting 🙂

  6. Great photos frolic! Thanks for posting the location as well. I live in SE and recommend the rhododendron garden as a really good location as well. Love P-town in the spring!

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