1. I couldn’t agree with you more! I’m obsessed with them too! I’m waiting for the nights to draw in a bit, and I’ll be having a go at those wonderful butters along with my own secret biscuit recipe (we call them scones in UK). A pot of tea and a sunday evening period drama will complete the picture. Mmmmmmmm…

  2. I’m so with you on this! I wait with bated breath for each new post they write, and every time I try a new recipe it’s unfailingly delicious.

  3. Are you still in Sweden? You should pick up a copy of the magazine Lantliv if you can, I think you would like the pictures in it! 🙂

  4. I have a huge crush on this blog and these ideas are fabulous – we are hiding on our boat during Carnival in Notting Hill in London next weekend…but sitting in the garden and cueing candelit treats I’m going to try these xx

  5. made the biscuits and butter-jam sunday morning for guest visiting. it was oh so lovely paired with pg tips. i have been meaning to make this for quite a while, thanks for the reminder

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