Last weekend when I visited my Aunt + Uncle's home, I was checking out their garden shed and found two of my favorite things: gingham + geraniums! A little later in the day, I returned with Audrey (brother's girlfriend) because she was wearing the perfect blue gingham dress for a little photo shooting! More on Flickr.
Amazing. Looks like a charmed day!
beautiful! i love geraniums too, and am so getting some tomorrow!!
love these!
Love the shots. Love the red frame windows and red door…LOVE IT ALL!!
I adore geraniums!!! I have them in my window boxes every year 🙂
oh, geraniums are some of my favorites! this little scene is so darling, i love all the red.
i love geraniums! they were my favorite thing to smell as a child! and how cute is your whole entire family? i love it.
what fortunate people to live in such a lovely place. the photos are so pretty! love the red window frames.
they are perfectly wonderful. lovely, chelsea!
it looks like an add for a dutch clothing co. or something. ahh-it’s perfect!
LOVE this! This is SO “you” and I just think it’s fabulous.
this is filled with things i love!!
great photos! love all that beautiful color!
Geraniums are my favorite visually and for the scent. I bring them inside for the winter and they thrive in a dry sunny window.
oh I love gingham! these photos are fantastic, chelsea.
Hey!. i really like those geraniums and gingham too. it seems very attractive. thanks for sharing those photos. it refresh me a lot. keep posting!