1. Yay!

    I get upset when I see people on lovely bikes riding around with no helmet. They look cute, but one bad fall and it’s all over…

  2. Those are so fun! I always hate wearing a helmet, and yet I refuse to bike unless I have one on (thus, my bike is sadly neglected). Perfect solution! 😀

  3. This makes me think of the episode of Flight of the Conchords where Bret makes a hair helmet so that it just looks like his hair when he’s got it on. Pretty awesome.

  4. Yay!

    I get upset when I see people walking around with no helmet. They look cute, but one bad fall and it’s all over…

    If you’re not wearing a helmet, you might as well not ride a car. One mistake and it may cause someone his or her life. It’s not worth it.

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