Check out this tour Jenna Lyon's home. She's the Creative Director at J.Crew and the mix that she and her husband have created in their home is just fantastic. I especially love the French windows!
These photos are from an old NY Times article (the video is much better so be sure to watch it!)
I just saw somewhere that her house is in the new Domino!
obviously i typed my comment before i clicked on the link!
Yeah, that is AWESOME!
Can’t wait to get ahold of the Domino issue to read more.
Her place is FANTASTIC and located in one of my favorite places (BROOKLYN)!!
Jen Ramos
‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More’
She’s a fraud and a phony. She steals other people’s ideas and creations and passes them off as her own by calling them “inspirations”. She only moved to Park Slope because that’s where all the trendy people are now going who are sick of Manhattan. Not one original bone in her body.