gwyneth + goop

Trench_sunglasses Wid_legged_jeans

Love her or hate her, you can't deny Gwyneth's perfectly understated style. I rather like getting her silly little Goop emails.


  1. Yes, she has great style.
    Have you seen that Spain thing she’s doing with that chef guy?
    whoa…I love her-I don’t care what anyone else thinks 🙂
    Happy Monday, Chelsea-good to see you back.

  2. LOVE her!

    I was forwarded her newsletter email..but though I’ve entered my email address THREE times at the site, I’ve not received anything directly from GOOP.

    How many emails have you gotten from her? er…the site?

  3. Hey! I signed up for the emails and haven’t gotten a thing! Hmmm…. I have a love/hate thing with her. I LOVE her style and lately she’s done some really cool projects. Maybe it’s the whole Madonna bff/Kabbalah thing that bugs? I seem to be warming more towards her lately and I do really want these emails. This one looks so fun. Off to sign up again…

  4. Oh, I haven’t gotten the e-mails yet either.. so I’m so glad I stopped over here. I LOVE LOVE Gywneth. I always have. Perhaps some people don’t but I think she is a smart, classy lady who has handled her fame quite well.

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