donna hay spread


I love this spread from my latest Donna Hay magazine. Perhaps these lovely colors can provide some inspiration for the Easter dinner I will be hosting at my tiny little place.


  1. What a great cover. I didn’t know who Donna Hay was until just recently but everytime I see something from her, I have to study it in detail…The color palate is very cold with all that blue but the dishes themselves bring warmth to the composition. Definitely a tabletop setting that I’d like to mimic!

  2. I always love her styling. I sometimes wonder why Blueprint didn’t take more inspiration from her style – she seems like the more youthful version of Martha. It’s worth the foreign magazine price-tag everytime!

  3. I love Donna Hay, she is what made me interested in cooking in the first place. I picked up her cookbook “modern classic vol 1” and i was so inspired by her stuff, tried a few of them, and they turned out great…! That just got my confidence up, and I have been trying her stuff out ever since.

    Recently i made a prawn and octopus thai salad, and adaptation of her thai beef salad…and it was WONDERFUL!

    I would like to share with you the recipe if you don’t mind. Here’s the link:

    Vanessa (from Singapore)

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