My Saturday was spent hiking/snowshoeing in a winter wonderland at Mt. Hood. It really was so lovely. That night Sara and I picked up some salad and crepes at Le Happy. These cute little stickers were sitting around, so I had to grab one. Maybe it’s just that I recently rediscovered my old VHS of Mansfield Park (and viewed it several times over), but I couldn’t get into that BBC version on Sunday night, even if it was more accurate. I feel much more attached to Francis O’Connor and Jonny Lee Miller.
I couldn’t agree with you more regarding Mansfield Park. Something about it kept me from having any emotional connection to anyone. I also like the direction and the cinematography much better on Persuasian than this one.
I once saw Frances O’Connor shopping for bedlinen in Liberty in London. I felt like I knew her well enough to say hi. Then I remembered that she was an actor. Tee hee.
j’adore le happy! 🙂
love love love le happy.
I am constantly trying to drag folks to le happy!