{guest blogger ansley: local harvest}

I love the idea of eating local (the grammar queen in me just has to say that should be "eating locally" but for some reason, it just works better to say "local" since it’s in the name of the website, gotta know the rules to break them).  I love strolling through a farmer’s market, buying everything I need to make a delicious dinner and maybe a treat to eat while wandering.  I love you-pick-it farms and the recipes I get to try with the abundance or, because I pick too much, overabundance.  I just found this site, localharvest, where you can search for farmer’s markets, farms, grocery stores, co-ops, and even restaurants that use local/organic ingredients.  And look at that map, there’s one near you.


  1. I found out about localharvest earlier this year and signed up for a CSA near me in SLC, UT. It’s so great! I pick up my weekly box tomorrow in fact.

  2. I found out about localharvest earlier this year and signed up for a CSA near me in SLC, UT. It’s so great! I pick up my weekly box tomorrow in fact.

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