{guest blogger ansley: marimekko}

When I was younger, my bedroom had hardwood floors, a big rug the color of bright green grass, yellow walls, and two twin beds with white comforters covered in bright flowers by Marimekko; I’ve grown much more subdued.  But there are times I wonder if it’s more a fear of color, or too bold a style, of making a wrong design choice. Neutral is much more safe.  But I still like to look at the Marimekko site.  And there are a few items I think even a neutral girl like me can have without worrying about matching.  I think you can carry any umbrella or handbag you want and get away with it if you walk proudly enough.
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And please, if you want a bean bag, make it one like this,


1 comment

  1. I use to pride myself on the fact that I loved white, and linen and blush. Lately, I’ve surprised myself. I can’t get enough of saturated colors. Maybe has to do with our gloomy Portland summer:)?

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